
effectsWhen the clock struck midnight and we welcomed in 2020 who would have thought a short few months later we would find ourselves under something akin to house arrest…

Everything unless deemed essential is closed, reminding me of Sunday’s as a child where the only things to open, were newsagents, corner shops and the local pub.  Even the pubs are now closed and on our rare jaunts around the estate all is eerily quiet, crossing over whenever someone approaches seems the height of rudeness but is essential to try and stop the infection spreading.

I assumed perhaps somewhat naively that COVID-19 would start and stop in China, whilst still devastating I never thought it would reach mainland Europe let alone our shores.  Yet, here it is and here for the moment at least it seems intent to stay.  As I write we are in our third week of lockdown, only leaving our home for one of the four stipulated reasons, working in HR things have been busier then ever as we try to understand another new term – furlough!

For the kids it is equally hard, adjusting to home schooling and trying to keep themselves entertained – even with so much in the home this is new to us all and having our movements curbed is surreal.  Trying to keep myself busy is not hard, as I now find myself in the dining room for 8-10 hours a day trying to keep on top of all things work related, adapting to remote working, video calls and the lack of human contact outside of our four walls.  Luckily, we have a house with plenty of space and stunning views from the back garden, along with a vocal cat who I think will struggle just as much when we come out of lockdown and learning to cope with our absence, as we have done adapting to a curtailment of our freedom!

Like many people I am trying to stay positive, and use my time wisely through reading, learning Spanish on Duolingo and returning to writing a blog as well as giving Yoga a go. Having done my first yoga beginners class on YouTube this morning I really enjoyed it.  It wasn’t easy and I probably looked a fool, but who cares, I showed up and that’s what counts.  So whilst the government speculate about extending our lockdown, I am looking forward to my Easter staycation, I should have been with the family in Majorca but our health is more important than a week on foreign shores.  Here’s to the back garden, music, good food, a glass of wine (or two), spending time with the family and staying safe.

To all those that have to go out and work to support our nation, thank you – stay safe.  To those that do not need to go out, please stay home – you may just help save lives.





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